Scottish Food: 8 Must-Try Dishes in Scotland

Are you planning to visit Scotland? Prepare for an exciting time as you try the different but yummy foods the country has to offer. Be sure to wear loose-fitting clothes as you try some of the best dishes. Outlined below are some Scottish foods you should try.
1. Porridge
Porridge is the simplest but one of the most delicious meals you can have to start the day in Scotland. It is a beloved breakfast option because it is nutrient-dense, especially with oats as a key ingredient. A bowl of porridge will be enough to give you all the energy you need to climb Arthur’s seat as many times as you like.
It is essentially made of three main ingredients, namely, oats, water and or milk. Most people like topping it up with honey, sugar, and even fruit, to make it creamier and tastier. You are spoiled for choice on this.
2. Full Scottish Fry-up
The full Scottish fry-up is a must, especially after a day full of activities or even when looking to scour the outskirts. Fry-ups are mostly comprised of fried mushrooms, fried eggs, sausages, haggis, baked beans, tatty scones, grilled tomato, black pudding, and toast, among others. Although fry-up dishes may vary from region to region, the ingredients used are almost always the same.
3. Breakfast Roll
A breakfast roll is what you need if on the move but would want a touch of fry-ups. The buttery, floury and soft breakfast roll is a common foundation for these breakfast rolls, with a wide variety of filling to choose from. You can try different fillings combinations, including fried eggs, sausage, bacon, and Tattie scones. Many tourists seem to love lassings of nippy broon too.
4. Tattie Scone
Also known as a potato scone, a tattie scone is one of Scotland’s most beloved parts of any carb-on-carb morning rolls and specifically Glasgows. A tattie scone is commonly made of 3 ingredients: butter, flour, and mashed potatoes. This makes it versatile for breakfast options for most hotels in Glasgow or you’ll find anywhere in Scotland.
Tattie scone can be served fried or grilled, depending on your preference. It can be dipped into baked beans, a poached egg, or even fried with a knob of melted butter to make it savory. Where possible, you could make your tattie scone fluffier and tastier than store-bought ones.
5. Scottish Salmon
Scottish salmon ranks among the best in the world. It has a smooth and moist texture, coupled with a rosy color, factors that distinguish it from other salmons in the world. Most restaurants in Scotland serve this salmon in a simple pan-fried option with green veggies.
6. Black Pudding
While black pudding may seem intimidating for most visitors, it is one of the foods you should consider trying. With blood as the main ingredient, black pudding is loaded with crucial minerals, including iron, potassium, calcium, and proteins, making it one of the most nutritious foods in the country.
The black pudding simply melts in your mouth, releasing all these nutrients, and is tasty too. Most tourists who try it for the first time always come for more.
7. Grouse
Grouse is native to Scotland and is often considered the king of feathered game meat, thanks to its gamey flavor. Grouse are first hunted down in fall (between August and December), making it the best time to visit if looking to have a taste of the same.
However, this option is most appealing for those who don’t mind game meat and the strong-witted. One bird is enough for one person, though it can still be prepared and served with other accompaniments. Most people, however, prefer it roasted, casseroled, or stewed. Some of the best restaurants in the country serve fresh grouse during fall when supply is in plenty.
8. Scotch Pie
The double-crust scotch pie, though small, is a mighty delicacy everyone should try. The best scotch pie is made of traditionally minced mutton fillings for that distinctive flavor. You can still have yours filled with different meats, especially if you don’t like mutton.
You also have the option to enjoy the pie hot or cold. The perfectly hand-sized Scottish pie packs enough energy to keep you going for hours, a reason it is this popular. You should be able to find/buy these scotch pies in supermarkets and bakeries in every part of the country. You can also have several packed for you to have when high in the mountains or traversing the city streets.