Issues You May Encounter When Traveling With Your Furry Friend

If you are a fur parent who loves to travel, leaving your dog at home is not an option. Of course, you would not want to leave your beloved fur baby, especially if you are away from home. Besides, traveling and exploring new places is much more fun if you have your pet with you. You may have all the money you need, but there are still some things you do not have control over or may have overlooked. Continue reading this article to discover some of the most common problems you might encounter when traveling with your dog.
Your Dog Might Catch Fleas.
This is one of the things you do not have control of. You may take some precautionary measures to prevent your dog from catching fleas, but it is still not guaranteed that your dog won’t catch some. Fleas are one of the most common parasites that use dogs as hosts. Fleas drink the blood of their hosts. The dangerous part is that they may carry diseases with them.
They usually carry tapeworm larvae. Dogs can get sick from this though it is not as life-threatening as other diseases. Nevertheless, this still has some adverse effects on your dog, like weight loss due to infestation. If the dog is still a puppy, a senior, or if their immune system is compromised, they may be severely affected. Intestinal blockages are one of the possible results of this, and they can lead to death.
Another thing fleas are known to carry is Flea-borne (murine) typhus, a disease caused by a bacteria called Rickettsia Typhi. This disease can be life-threatening if not treated immediately. To know first aid, research the actions to be done if your dog has fleas.
Unfriendly Dogs
No matter how friendly and harmless your dog is, there will always be a possibility that you will encounter a not-so-friendly dog. So when going for a walk, always use a leash, especially in a busy area.
Breed Restrictions
Dogs with shortened heads or snub-nosed dogs like pugs and bulldogs are usually not allowed to fly. This is because they have breathing difficulties due to their body structure. The high altitude and pressure may have a hard time during the flight. Some airlines also restrict “dangerous” dogs from flying with others and must use a special traveling kennel.
In most airlines, animals are not allowed to fly if the temperature is above 85o F or below 45o F. This is because they cannot handle the temperature being too low or too high, considering the altitude and pressure. With that in mind, if you are traveling during the summer or winter season, there are only indicated times of the day wherein your pet can fly with you.
Using Incorrect Crates
If you do not use the required carrier, your dog will not be allowed to board the plane. Your dog’s crate must fit the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations. The crate must be new. A used one is not accepted due to hygiene reasons. It must also be well-ventilated for your pet to be able to breathe and cool down. It must also be sturdy. This is to give enough protection for your dog and other safety reasons.
Failure To Prepare a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
Before your dog is allowed to ride the plane, the dog must get a check-up by the vet days before the flight. The veterinary inspection certificate proves that your dog passes all the health exams and is in the right well-being to travel by plane.
When flying with your pet, never forget the documents they need to join you. Just like the certificate of veterinary inspection, if you do not have the other papers required, your pet will not be allowed to fly with you. Consider other factors as well. Always remember that this is for the safety of your pet and the people around them.
What Problems Could I Run Into Traveling With My Pet? (